How to use this box with Vagrant:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "roboxes/freebsd13"
  config.vm.box_version = "4.3.4"
vagrant init roboxes/freebsd13 \
  --box-version 4.3.4
vagrant up

This version was created 12 months ago.

A build environment for use in cross platform development.

5 providers for this version.
  • hyperv
    amd64 Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (506 MB)
  • libvirt
    amd64 Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (534 MB)
  • parallels
    amd64 Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (483 MB)
  • virtualbox
    amd64 Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (496 MB)
  • vmware_desktop
    amd64 Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (526 MB)