This version was created
over 6 years ago.
This is now the Scotch Box Pro v1 box. So bam:
* Ubuntu 16.04
* PHP 7.0
* MySQL 5.7
* Go lang in the box
* PHPUnit in the box
* Yarn in the box
* Improved email catching automatically on with MailHog
* Customize your own boxes in minutes
* Generally higher versions of things (Node.js, Ruby, etc.)!
* PHPUnit
* MySQL 5.
* Node via NVM
* Extra Node packages (grunt, browserify, webpack)
* Ruby via RBM
1 provider for this version.
Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
(1.2 GB)
This version was created
over 7 years ago.
3.0 is here!
- Fixed a bunch of issues via Github
- Upgraded to PHP 7!
- New website and Docs
- Scotch Box Pro version released with even more features
- New and improved starter file index.php
1 provider for this version.
Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
(732 MB)
This version was created
almost 9 years ago.
- General OS updates
- Laravel Tutorial
- WordPress Tutorial
- MongoDB has been added
- MongoDB PHP extension is added
- Opcache is disabled
- Node is updated 5.x
- Updates to NPM packages (Bower, Gulp, Yeoman, Browser-Sync, PM2)
- Composer is updated
- Composer is finally added to Path
- Laravel executable works out-of-the-box
- Improvements to [PHP MySQL issues][4]
- [WP-CLI][5] has been added per request
- Mailcatcher is added to test emails finally
- Created an Update Policy
1 provider for this version.
Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
(648 MB)
This version was created
about 9 years ago.
Scotchbox 2.0! Added:
- Ubuntu 14
- PHP 5.6
- Beanstalkd
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- PM2
- Laravel Installer
- Laravel Envoy
- Browsersync
- Ton of other cool stuff.
Check for the Scotch Box 2.0 blog post announcement
1 provider for this version.
Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
(624 MB)
This version was created
over 9 years ago.
- Long needed apt-get update and apt-get install
- Enable Apache modules to support H5BP’s server configs.
- Added Composer / Laravel to PATH
- Added unzip
- Installed SQL Lite
- Enable Apache modules to support H5BP’s server configs
1 provider for this version.
Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
(572 MB)
This version was created
almost 10 years ago.
Add Laravel Installer. Just run "laravel " from the terminal.
Add Ruby per request:
Also fixed permissions in the Vagrantfile (you'll need to update your cloned repo - just run a git pull or new clone from GitHub)
1 provider for this version.
Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
(841 MB)
This version was created
almost 10 years ago.
1 provider for this version.
Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
(740 MB)
This version was created
almost 10 years ago.
1 provider for this version.
Hosted by Vagrant Cloud
(740 MB)